Discover how to easily locate an Exhibitor's booth using the event's floor plan, available if enabled by the Organizer. You can search for an Exhibitor directly on the event map or access the map through their profile to pinpoint their booth location.Navigating the event space is therefore simplified and ensures you can efficiently find and visit exhibitors of interest.
From the event map
If the Organizer enabled it, you'll have an event map during the event. It will be one of the event's pages and the name of the page will be defined by the Organizer so it may vary.
To find an Exhibitor's booth, just type their name in the search bar.
From the Exhibitor's profile
You can also access the map directly from the Exhibitor's profile.
Once you're in their profile, just look for the section "Location" then "Open map", which will open the event's map.
Once you open the map, it will automatically pinpoint the Exhibitor's booth.